Thursday, January 21, 2016

Overcoming Cognitive Issues with Provasil

Brain fog is a condition that can affect men and women of varying ages. Characterized by decreased levels of mental clarity, confusion, forgetfulness and difficulty concentrating, brain fog can either be temporary or chronic. To get rid of brain fog, it is important to know what is causing it. By getting to the root cause, you will be able to determine the appropriate course of action - whether to make several lifestyle changes or take supplements like Provasil.

Understanding Brain Fog

While not recognized as a medical disorder, doctors and other health experts agree that this condition exists. Brain fog can manifest itself in many forms: missing appointments, forgetting names and dates, confusion, fuzziness and even a feeling of detachment.

ProvasilBrain fog is believed to be the brain's response to something that happens in the body. When there is an internal problem, the brain focuses on solving that problem rather than paying attention to what you want it to do -whether to remember where you left your car keys or what date your daughter will have her piano recital. This results in less concentration and memory lapses that can increase in frequency within the passage of time. As such, it is essential to find out exactly what causes the brain fog. Mental disorders like dementia can manifest themselves in hazy thinking and lack of clarity, but your foggy brain could also be caused by any of the following common symptoms:

1. A nutrient deficient diet. Whether you are asleep or awake, at rest or engaged in some strenuous activity, you brain is continuously on the go. Therefore it needs a complete supply of nutrients to fuel its processes. The brain needs healthy fats, complex carbohydrates and vitamins and minerals, so it pays to follow a healthy and nutritious diet.

2. Sleep deprivation. Sleep is a time for not just for physical but also mental recovery. Learning and memories are consolidated in the brain as you sleep, so even a slight alteration in your normal sleeping patterns can interfere with your memory and other cognitive functions. So the next time you are tempted to spend late nights in a row, remember that sleep is not luxury but a biological need.

3. A sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity does not just cause physical ailments; it leads to cognitive disruptions as well. You can shake the haziness off by doing exercises that get your heart pumping more blood. The greater the intensity of your exercise, the higher level of oxygen reaches the brain through increased blood flow. The more oxygen your brain gets, the, more energy it receives to continue functioning properly.

Why should you supplement with Provasil?

Whether you like it or not, your diet my not be nutritious enough to provide the kind of nutrients your brain needs. This is most especially true for vegetarians who have limited fat intake, or for older individuals whose bodiesdo not easily absorb certain vitamins anymore. Provasil contains the ideal mix of 15 potent compounds that are scientifically formulated to address and target cognitive problems like poor recall, mental fatigue, forgetfulness and confusion, among others. It also helps protect your brain from damage and ensures mental agility and sharpness for the years to come.

If there is one thing you can learn to live without, it is brain fog. End your suffering now; with a healthy lifestyle and Provasil, you can achieve mental clarity and bring things back into focus.